How can art contribute and impact the world in positive ways?
Posted by Chandra Pockrandt on
Sometimes when we make the switch from creating just to create, to being an entrepreneur with our art we lose the connection and the why!
Art is needed in the world in general, but we also need it for our soul. There is so much going on in our life that when we finally get the time to create it is freeing of your thoughts and our soul.
I will be honest, its been over 6 months since I have created but I know my soul needs it. Thats way I am going to make time for it this weekend.
I am looking forward to the time to just not think and just blend and create.
When are you going to take the time. In this world of "chaos" we need to make the time.
Hope you have a great weekend and if you find time to create just because send it my way, I would love to see what you are creating!