Instagram and the basics for an Artist!

Posted by Chandra Pockrandt on

Is it really helping your art business to be in the studio and just randomly post on instagram and then be done? Not really, being engaged with the process is better for your business and you sanity. Here are a couple pointers that will help you get some organization in you art game on social media.


1.Complete your profile:

When a potential customer shows up on your profile you want to make sure you have all the information there so they can find you and what you are all about. Website, name, Why they should follow your journey and your art. Try to use your real name and the keyword “Artist” and a great piece that someone would resonate with to want to know more about you!

2.Follow the right people:

This is your business and you want others to take you seriously. No customer wants to see a piece of artwork and then a photo of what you had for breakfast. You need to stay focused on your journey and why they should be actively check in with you. To “discover people” instagram gives you the right people to follow. All you need to do is click on the icon in the top right of your app with the person and the plus sign. This will take you to “discover people”. Once you follow someone, they will get a notification with your profile and many times people will follow you.

3.Contact List:

Help fans and customers find you that just might not know your on instagram. Help you raving fans from other platforms connect with you by clicking on the three vertical dots in the right corner of your account. Then select find contacts and follow people that you'd like to connect with and you think that they would enjoy your content and art pieces.


4.Be Social:

I know that this can sometimes seem strange or make you feel uncomfortable but most of your customers are online and are just looking for a way to really understand your talent. Always reply to people that comment. Just a “Thank you” will do but always say something. This lets them know that you are really watching and active on your account. Always sketch out some time to comment and be active on other artist profiles. Show your commitment and care is important too.


5.Create Good Content:

Have you heard of the 80/20 Rule? This is keeping in mind that people/ followers on facebook/ twitter are they to be entertained not sold to. Eighty Percent of the your content is there to give your followers interesting information. For example, your art pieces, where you create, or maybe what inspires you. Twenty percent of your posts can be promotional. The fun and engaging content that you post can actually help you sell your art by creating a relationship of good will towards you business. It opens a door of a million of things to keep your fans engaged. Examples of this work be: works in progress, time lapsing videos, inspirations, showing your creation station, Or a detailed close up.


6.Hashtag the right way.

I did a video on this. This is one of the things I hear artists getting frustrated with but honestly with a couple hours of scheduled time,  quick google search and a open google document, you can get the hashtags that you need to reuse the same hashtags and then switch them up every week or so to see what words get the most traction. Also, looking at other artists that are influencers would be another way to see what they are using and save some of the words in your doc you and use those as well. 

Remember all these platforms are an extension of who you are and your journey. Follow these steps to level up your social media accounts and see how far you can kick up your art business game! 

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